When you’re investing in paid channels like Facebook, it is important to have, what we like to call a “creative hacking” process in place. Creative hacking is the process of systematically editing creative assets to produce and test new creative, all while using the data gathered to increase performance.
Our expert freelance marketers at GrowTal have a tried and true approach to creative hacking. Below is how to get started – the secret sauce.
First, the Creative Audit.
This is where you will review all your existing creative assets (statics, videos, emails etc.) to get a sense of what you have to work with, as well as reviewing Ads Manager data to know what works and doesn’t.
Some things to look for:
- High resolution files of logos, font files, and color codes
- Past and current ads (check the Facebook Ad Library to know what is live)
- Stock images or video footage (so you don’t have to purchase new)
- Check the blog for images of customers or testimonials
- Check the website/blog for other originally produced video content or static images
- Product shots and demos can also be used for product showcase sections in video ads
Once you’ve listed out all of your creative assets, it’s time to start digging into your analytics. The Facebook Ads Manager gives you great insight into the performance of the current creative running.
Define your metrics for success, which are typically conversion rates, CPA, 3 second video view. Then, begin comparing creative.
Organizing your tests.
Now that you’ve audited your creative, it is time to create a Testing Roadmap. This is a way to prioritize your testing initiatives and should include everything from timelines to test variables.
This is not a “set it and forget it” type of initiative. Being organized and prepared for “what’s next” is key to the success of this process.

There is no wrong way to organize your tests, but if you’re interested, a GrowTal freelance marketer can be very helpful in creating a roadmap and helping to execute in your organization.
We typically find that where clients struggle is with creating a testing culture, ensuring they are iterating and optimizing continuously. Having an expert strategist planning the tests and analyzing the results to see “what’s next” can be a great investment.
Modular video framework.
Next, you want to Edit & Produce. This can be done by repurposing your existing assets and/or shooting net new creative.
Pro Tip – follow the GATE Model.
- Grab: Grabs the attention of the viewer in the news feed/stories (first 3 seconds)
- Assert: Tells the consumer what problems your company solves (using value propositions)
- Truth: Provide evidence that supports your claims.
- Exit: A strong, single call to action that motivates consumers to act

Remember, we’re developing ads for Facebook which means your creative is competing for attention. So you will need a real attention grabber for your opening shot.
Proven to work attention grabbing opening shots:
- Close up of people’s faces (selfies work great)
- Someone peaking from behind a product
- Interesting text overlay such as “You’ll never believe why women are buying 5 pairs of these pants.”
- Showing local landmarks (if ad targeting is geo focused)
Testing and Iterating.
Ah, then there are iterations, the continuous loop for success. After analyzing your data, take winning creative and continue to iterate to realize further gains.
This is where the magic happens. You always want to launch multiple variations of the same video ad. The variations are your tests. It’s like testing a landing page. Video creative has a ton of elements that need to be tested.
For example, you come up with a video creative concept. The first thing to do is find your test variable. Are you going to test the Grab/opener? That’ll be a good start. Find what grabs the attention of the user best – once you have the answer (in data) you can test another variable.
Here’s the list of must-test variables:
- Ad placement
- Statics / Video
- Format 1:1, 4:5, 9:16
- Prospecting and Retargeting
- Hook (within first 3 seconds)
- Copy variations for Claim / Support / CTAs
- Length in seconds :06, :10, :15, longer (:30+)
- Copy variations for value propositions / offers
Ok – that’s it! A creative hacking process for Facebook success. Remember, a GrowTal freelance marketer can help with any of these aspects or just to get your teams started.